orgami's Diaryland Diary


weekend visit from Chloe

is it truly sunny out today
or is it just intermittent
sporadic moments of hot heat
on the skin and head
and then the cool touch of
a shadow
Cloud shadow
crawling across the city
jumping from rooftop to
sift through the arms
of the trees
skip across the water to
the islands

Here at the library today
Chloe came on Saturday and
stayed until Monday

we went for long walks and
had good talks when we were
out She is fourteen and a lot
more healthier then I was at
that age We talked openly
about the seperation times
and she mentioned her other
freinds with "daddy" issues

never realized there is a whole
generation growing up bereft
of fathers in their lives

Guess what I am listening to
on the headphones here??
who said Siouxsie and the Banshees
well if you did You are correct
I AM listening to her voice

Lori says she feels like a fairy
when she hears this stuff
But Lori is a hard core metal
rocker Metallica Rob Zombie
Marylin Manson all the old bands
from the eighties
Limp Bizkit Korn SYstem of a DOwn

well I like my fairy music
did when I first hear it when
I was in my early twenties
till now my early forties

actually I like Kittie too
but only for the female drummer


its like almost two olclock
on this Wednesday May something
or other day 22?? gotta be close

How do I feel about Chloes visit??
I feel much better that we had the
big talk about boyfreinds and sex
and drugs etc In another year
she gets her liscence
about her freinds
her favourite musix
and what movies she has seen
etc what kind of clothes she wants
to get what kind of place where
she wants to work

SHe quit the DairyQueen the
female boss lady screamed at
her and the rest of the people all
the time and even screamed at
Carolee (Chloes mom) when she
phoned to talk to her about her
Too bad eh some people are just

Carolee sent up a Pineapple for me
via Chloe Chloe was saying it weighed
a lot or contributed to her packsack
being loaded down But I thanked
CHloe for bringing it up and cut it
into sections and ate it on a plate
It was so tasty I just go crazy for
pineapples the way some people are
nuts about mangos or watermelons
etc I dont mind the tinned stuff
either but to be able to cut the
skin off the real thing
"yesssssssss to skin it alive
you seeeeeeeeee thatssssssss what
I adore about this trangression..."
Dry sound of hands rubbing together
in glee INSERT

tilted dancer in spread manner sings
waving that trail of tears
and sobbing moments
the dry hush of the grasses
hot and stinging
the fires are out
the camp is down
the horses strain against
the familiar load
and women and children
follow the men
their shadows stretched
out like the poplar forests
around the water holes

the sun
is high
upon the sky
and limitless
in manners
in that thick


Hey Orgami this is me
your REAL persona
the guy with the ponytail
and missing teeth
what are you up to today
Better yet what are you
feeling about your daughters
visit (you seemed to get out
of answering that one back a bit.)

Okay Persona I feel grateful
and happy that My daughter and I
have such a good working relationship
and that the mother and I are
getting along enough to do this
for the childs benifit

CHloe came up by bus Something
she is not fussy about but it
gets her here and I put her on
the bus and sent her homeword
bound and called Carolee

I am glad that Carolee and I got
or am getting along today
I remember when my parents fought
I always felt like there was no
one to talk too about anything
because all they ever wanted to
do was put each other down
But we talked about boyfreinds
and music and her town where I
grew up around that area

I never had a good relationship
with my parents in the end
both got sick and I stayed away
not wanting to see them wasted
by their conditions
wanted to remember them strong
I was a chicken thinking only of
myself I guess
although this plaugues me to this
day like an albatross I keep
positive for the times that we
did get along together in the

Chloe and I are seeing each
other and I always feel joy in
my heart when I see her and we
are together

she got me to paint stuff on her
little black purse she carries
so I painted a cartoon like skull
and flames on one side and a
dragon and a shield and a cross
on the other side of it
The skull and rose and razor
wire held up pretty good still
She liked it and I am sure not
too many other kids in her nigh
school have this kind of personal

she wants to get her nose peirced
but the mother is making her wait
for that to occur and she wants
a tatoo also which the mother says
she can get when she is eighteen

I have both so I cannot say anthing
against it
I dont regret it but I am forty one
years old not fourteen

she has her freinds and they have
a cottage so she gets out of the town
every once in awhile
she has a boyfreind her own age
finally and he is pretty good to her
so she says

Doubtfully I will not meet these
people being that most of my time
now will be on the "shop" and

1:22 p.m. - 2006-05-23


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