orgami's Diaryland Diary


more shop talk

rain thunders on the roof here
at work

we all can hear it coming down

thunderstorms maybe later
maybe not

snow will soon sweep down from
the heavens
covering the sleeping forests
of summer and autumn

The bats are still here though
one day they will just be gone
here one moment and the next
migrating south to warmer
mice with wings
and fangs
and rubbery skin
little furry bellys
they are so strange a creature
no feathers and yet they can
fly about so daringly and fearless

oh to be a bat
to dine on a buffet of
bugs and insects
the challenge to catch
that trophy moth
and devour its little
tubular body
to hang in a cave with
company sharing warmth
a common togetherness

TEn thirteen
lots of minutes left here

went and did a charity
BINGO last night
an old roller rink
now a bingo
I sold bingo papers on
the floor and apparenlty
did well
the strips were two dollars
apiece and two one dollar
strips were there in that
bunch also

I supposedly sold three
hundred dollars worth of
I had fun
Bingo is a neat place to
see a different aspect of
human nature and behaviour

when I got home around nine
something Lori had made
coffee and made dinner for
me That was sweet of her
I cook for her too and it
must be nice to have your
partner care about each
other this way

anyway Bingo was a blast
and I made fifteen dollars
for the two hours I was
there Not bad and I got
a free ride home
all in all it was a good

anyways that was yesterday
today I am painting fringe
of white around the wooden
two dimensional Santa's face
with my feathering brush
from my brush set
I have a coffee ready for
when I go back to work
I savour it then
sipping away at it while
I work

No pictures to draw yet
I did that cottage on a plaque
and the guy really dug it
He said it was groovy

He really liked it
I think he took it to a funeral
with him to show people
try to drum up some orders for
me He was a pall bearer too
Imagine bringing artwork to a
funeral My artwork is all over
the north american continent and
even some in England
(wildlife prints medium of pencil)
but I never heard of it going to
a funeral THATS a first

anyway gotta go
take care
Until next time

10:13 a.m. - 2006-09-08


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