orgami's Diaryland Diary


day eve moon


it was another beautiful
day in North Bay

I went on some errands today
pick up Loris pills from the
pharmacy at Wal Mart rode
two seperate buses to that
destination DId the mall
crawl for a bit
bought some more AA batteries
for my walkman

Listened to it last night
and it killed those other two
batteries that were in it
Seems the Rayovac brand is the
best but I bet they were more
then a dollar The Panasonic
super duty were from the dollar
store They were a dollar
and fourteen cents actually

last night went out and bought
some treats Skittles and
Rolo ice cream it was delicious
as we sat and ate the stuff while
watching the tube
Lori got me this little seat
pad thing that I sit on and it
has three seperate areas that
vibrate and massage my poor
old back Plus it heats up
too I am spoiled rotten now
and can actually sit through
some television shows instead
of being restless and getting
up every fifteen minutes for
some thing or another

this computer room has a roll
away fold up bed in it and my
old kitchen table with computer
on top of it tower and screen
speakers and keybaord
my broken kitchen chair and a
tack board a sheet for curtains
for now the whole place has been
freshly painted
a mute lavender colour white
brown pink carpeting
carpets were cleaned
before we moved in

we love this place
so much better then the last
place the dingy colour there
and the fifties tile floor
all lumpy and bumpy and stained
in places

took my library books back
havent got any more out since
when I feel like reading again
I will though

cooked up some pork chops for
supper tonight
made a pot of coffee and watched
Discovery channel for awhile
Lori napping on the couch
kitty behind the blinds sitting
looking out at the tree for
birds and the odd car that
goes past on the street below

fingers of light rippling
through tree and hedge
striking up a house and rooftop
slanting on a street

reflecting through my sheet

Dusk is near
and another cool night
the hollow glamour of the
moon and her deep rich
pockets of darkness in the


6:04 p.m. - 2006-09-11


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