orgami's Diaryland Diary


glad to be alive

city lights glow from the bottom
of the clouds
rain drips from the trees and
water wells up from a broken water
main beneath the ashpalt street
trickles down to a drain
and falls into the pool under
the grate

the air is damp and warm
remnants of a storm farther south
somewhere in America

Up here the trees are changing
and leaves are already falling
foggy mornings some days when
we get up for work

Radioheads "CREEP" plays on my
headphones I cannot get enough
onward it goes round and round
on my CD tunes through my
headphones the clatter of the
keys in this screen glowing room
flickering lights on my computer
tower WINDOWS 98 an ancient
machine My link to the outer
cyber world

the house sleeps
and I am awake
but soon to go to bed
hopefully not dreaming
since I have stopped taking
my Olanzipine the dreams
have come back to haunt me
and sleep is slim
and slenderous a thing

Radiohead keeps me company

Siouxsie soothes my savage
heart and wanderlust soul

oh to have a campfire and
to dream in the sparks that
climb up into the darkness
that dance that pattern
that never remains the same
but changes with each new
ember released
the heat on my face
the flicker of the fire

whatever makes you happy
whatever you want
Your so f...g special
I wish I was special
But I'm a creep........

still painting the craft
angels at work
three little girl angels
acrylic paint
each one needs to be painted
twice because of the straight
plywood application
the rest of them I asked for
them to be painted a base
coat white
they are monotonous things
to do and have taken so much
time But they are adorable and
cute as they should be and
will most likely sell out in
the front store

we listen to a radio out on the
floor its nice to have that
people talk and tell jokes and
compare lives stories and more
bitch about this and that

its been steady for awhile now
my life
glad to be away from that other
place so antique and russian like
barren sterile and old
a place to banish happiness
and glad tidings
a place where glum feelings dwelt

ten forty seven p.m.

another shooting in Montreal
two dead
the shooter shot by police
nineteen injured

when are we safe in this world
a place where people dissapear
everyday where soldiers are
killed in strange countries
and people let go from their
jobs cutbacks

Everyone is talking about
western Canada where work is found
the boom and all

I feel sad for the victims of
Montreal It is horrible to be cut
down like that someones rage and
hatred and a firearm no sense
no reason the price of our freedom

lucky to be alive today
to be sober
to have someone
to have a warm house to live in
a happy house
to have my soul mate
a pet kitty to adore and
to pour love and attention

a new day begins soon
one more closer step towards
already the days are falling
shorter and shorter of sunlight
soon the season of darkness
will come where we live
with streetlamps and snow
falling down through the red
sodium glare in pockets
streetlight to streetlight
up and down the city

i must go now
to sleep and
to dream of course
to wake up tommorrow and make
that pot of coffee and watch
morning american television
with Lori and the kitty
one more day


10:47 p.m. - 2006-09-13


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