orgami's Diaryland Diary


Loris headaches

its been awhile hasnt it
busy working here at the shop
painting crafts and painting
my own stuff to sell and show
out at the store out front

Lori is sick again
migraines and she threw up
all last night
this is a repeat of two
weeks ago when she suffered
for three days with them
until my landlord took us
to the hospital
We waited five hours in the
emergency until a doctor saw

Because of that she hates
hospitals and wont go to one
when she is sick like this
but they helped her the last
time by giving her a couple
of shots of some kind of
pain killer and that helped
her tremendously

she used to have these years
ago and now they seem to be
coming back
I can do nothing to help her
she just lays on the couch
with her hand over her eyes

I dont feel like working on
anything here today
feel bummed out today
Went and got my bloodwork done
to check my med levels
had a meeting with my
doctor yesterday
told her everything was good
and okay but its not
dont know why i lied

my daughter and I write
each other via messenger
nice little short words
to keep in touch
she is still working
weekends at the McDonalds
for money Good for her
still has the same boyfreind

Halloween went well
I sat out front of the building
in a chair with a bowl of
treats and waited for the kids
to come by
We had an electric pumpkin that
flickered I gave out about
fifty treats there was that
many kids this year
the costumes were great
and even some of the adults
were dressed up too
it was lots of fun
But I was the only adult sitting
outside to hand out candy
according to the adults
It was cold and windy
and there was a moon
behind the shifting clouds
the kids too mentioned I was
the only adult outside

well thats about it for now
will write more later


10:11 a.m. - 2006-11-07


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