orgami's Diaryland Diary


shop and food bank

nice weather lately
its been good waiting for the
buses before and after work
everyone talking and huddled
together when the weather is

We celebrated Canadian thanksgiving
awhile ago and we invited some
people over at our place and held
the event in the backyard
It was a great turnout and everyone
enjoyed the meal and good times

American Thanksgiving which is just
one day old now we do not celebrate
but Americans do of course

Thanks Chaos for wishing me a good
thanksgiving though and it was good
I actually had two thanksgiving meals
back then One at my freinds down
south and then I arrived back up
here just in time enough to peel
potatos and the turnip and mash them
for the supper All in all it was
very very delicious I did the dishes

Here at the shop I am busy painting
dogs on box lids and painting mail
boxes custom commission works
people know there is a painter here
and are starting to come to the
store and order stuff
and I am busy painting away

anyway must go and get back to work
went to the food bank today
got some good stuff
coffee and pea meal bacon
and cheese mmmm mmmm good
soups and canned tomatoes
spaghetti and sauce
bread and milk and margarine

well must be gone now
bye until next time

10:16 a.m. - 2006-11-24


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