orgami's Diaryland Diary


One more entry on a Sunday

warmed up the last of the coffee
its overcast or cloudy
not so sunny out and i guess its
cold i shut off the air

the orange cat is meowing

Lori still sleeping
coffee is dingy and terrible
but still a sharp bitter
flavour with caffienne

not listening to music
just my fingers tapping away
and the far off sounds of the
television in the living room

feel out of sorts
always do this time of year
but this time i have a job
a purpose and things to do
here should i get my ass moving
(as in painting)

my stomach feels funny
i have not eaten all day
and just finished off a bag
of popcorn the buttery kind

should have cooked up some
burgers i guess
can still do this

its four thirty in the afternoon
still didnt wash any clothes
or my lab coat

everything is going well here
its kind of cold in here

in the winter this place is nice
and toasty the landlords keep
it warm not like the last
hollow place the old fifties
totally tiled place cold floors
loud echoeing totally terrible

we have like four pine trees out
there around the yard and several
large leafy trees
its very nice the backyard
and the big deck

anyway must go now

4:24 p.m. - 2007-09-09


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