orgami's Diaryland Diary


September 9 2007

okay drinking my cold coffee
and listening to the free Mozart
music cd that came in the mail

Lori sleeping on couch

its twelve something right now
Orange tabby is sleeping
and Tweet is rambunctious

sunshine outside and cool wind
a beautiful day otherwise

this soothing music
this nice cup of coffee

Oh here is some woman singing
opera on here Very nice

yah for me this is a break from
the Eighties music i listen too
only it seems

I went to the mall to get Loris
meds from WalMart and cruised
around looking at stuff
and the Cd store was one place i
went into to see what they have

tons of hip hop stuff dont know
any of the artists looked at some
covers of authentic music not the
free stuff ripped from the web
that comes with little liner notes
maybe a cover thats all

i wish i had the money i would go
back to the army surplus store
and just buy jackets shirts pants
from there good stuff it lasts
forever anyway thats nother lifetime

My Neopoet site i like has good reviews
of my poetry i have taken a rest
from there too but have made a
freind from there

got my mug on facebook
another interesting site

no one from Plenty of Fish is interested in me lately
im just curious about responses

fall is coming slowly
looking forward to the leaves
changing etc

the lake from the hills is a
green murky colour
already its moody

heh heh

must go now
will write again


12:37 p.m. - 2007-09-09


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