orgami's Diaryland Diary


collage of memory clips

drinking cola
feeling fine

solutions racing through
the heavy lines

take my music
and turn up the

hear the lyrics
sung by the teacher

She's moody
and a tease
yet she knows
what makes me
takes me to my

i want to wrap her
in crimson variations
four post desires

breath kisses
on her pallid
gentle skin

And on the street
I want to know the

read my rag paper
express message
the world
never ending

sipping black coffee
from Mexico
served by short cute
whie girls in green

they smiled today
at my broken carnivore

maybe they can smell
the sin
my heart is breeding
and still bleeding

whip it out
she wants it
and needs it

touchs it with
her long taloned
fingers and
slender knuckles

im in heaven
watching them
grasp pluck and pull
the twenty from my

baby needs it

I kiss her face
on the right dusted
rounded and just

look into her
smile and taste
her happiness
with my fingers

no need to put her
on the leash
wrists left free

watching too many
crime TV's

her pouring the hot
candle wax on my
barren chest
my hands together
behind me

such joy in her eyes
who is the victim
who is the prize

Flowers are suckling the
tears from the rains
and growing sleek
and robust filling in
the arid scene from winters

and I am tired beyond my
own interpretations

writing here like never

openening up yet another

Remember in winter
visiting that dock station
they hauled on the landing
the waiting room had
an old couch
no windows left
a peaked little roof
and a storage ticket area
wooden floors

so cute and lovely
so cold and bright

she wanted to make love
right then and there

and we never did it

I thought it was too
dirty her long burgundy
jacket would get the
dust thick on her
and the car

You know how many times
I wished we had taken
the time to go about the

what a memory that would
have been

her hair cropped short in
page boy style
those large blue eyes
that cute nose and lips
that pointed sweet chin
and long throat
and skinny body

five foot seven
wearing pink day glo panties

and i was not fat like now
and still hadnt gone over
the edge
still had my two upper
teeth either side of the two
middle ones

and we were in our best
dressed clothes
and expensive cologne and

I was not spontaneous then
still hadnt leared about women
much Hadnt the know to know

so now Im old and just re think
that time
It would have been so much fun
it was such a nicely built little

for the steamers taking guests
to BIGWIN RESORT in the Muskokas
moved from the long dock to
the shore

So tired today and the last week
probably depression sinking in
my dreams are filled with so
much of the past and people long
gone and dead

its actually sunny out right now
as I write

i cant see because the blinds
are forever drawn in this place
Lori and her conditions leave
her no option but to limit
her sensitivty to light
and visual distractions
thus the blinds

but lots of light gets through
and the windows are large in
this place

a nice neighbourhood

and its Friday today

and its summer
and we have food
and i have coffee

and we have each
with all the give and
take over four years

we are just now beginning
to know one another

so hard to trust someone
when all your life you
were trained to trust no
one and then heap
addictions on top
neglect emotional turmoil

its not Awww thats too bad
its more like
Awwwwww holy shit

Once talked to a fire chief
in a tim hortons
we were like the only two
in the shop getting coffee
and we were in the line
just two

and we talked and then
we got talking more
and we sat

He eventually told me
that once he had to get his
men together first
before going into a burning

thats the proper order
so no fireman gets killed
make a plan to get in
and make a plan to get out
right then and there
and it was his job to
make that decision
Be that leader

so three minutes passed
while the house was going

he went in and brought out
a young person
but they could not help her
even though they tried

and he told me he blames himself
saying he sould have gone into
the house first
say "fuck it " to the plan
risk the firemens life other
then his own

i told him he did the right
thing that there must be an
order to things It was just
not the little person who was
in danger there it was his men
too who would faithfully follow
him and his orders

it was just one of those sad sad
things to happen

I told him if my daughter was in
a fire I would want him to be the
captian of the team arriving
and setting up the plan
becauase maybe they would need
the men to move or break through
a door or help pull each other
out if the fire was too deadly

I told him sad things like that
just happen but I told him I
knew he was hurting about this

I gave him a hug and told him
I wasnt that kind of guy Just
wanted him to know I felt his
pain He gave me his favourite
leather five finger gloves
and at one point told me I would
have been a hostage negotiator

it was one of those spiritual
moments as if God had sent us
to meet together that night
in winter

I remember seeing the news footage
of the fire on television
and hearing about the fatalities
(the grandmother died in the fire
and later it was found she set it
Like I say a sad sad story)

I hope I helped him someway
I think about him all the time
and about Paramedics and Policemen
front line soldiers who take it
all crisitsizm judging
making split second decisions

and dealing with people with
known darknesses and histories
like zookeepers walking in a
zoo with no fences

soaking up all of it

well I have written a lot here
some different

and some other stuff

there is so much

its just my musings
and writings

part of my therapy

1:03 p.m. - 2008-06-20


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