orgami's Diaryland Diary


not a vacation

wake with knowledge of dreaming
restless and calm
tranquil and dissallusioned

smelling poorly
the collection
in the bag for the bin

head out with two dollars
in change for maybe the coffee
shop not for staying
but for standing in line
and then out with the coffee
Is this what I want
a coffee

the bank has my ten dollars
will I go all the way down
there and request it
and then what
buy another cheap bottle
and retreat to the position
wash no clothes
stay broken watching the
television shows comedy
info channels and drama
the radio stations
all black with coloured
dots that flicker in the dark
I like that part watching
them flash their tiny
the window drawn open
fresh warm summer air

the tap I can run and get
a cup of cold water
since the coffee pot broke
(mine) i dont drink coffee
at home anymore lately

there are two books Im slowly
reading both Ive read before
and re read them both authors
are good writers and their
description and characters are

I slept through a thunderstorm
I enjoy those the water and
wind attracts me when Im staring
out the window at the parking
lot the streetlights at the
street shinning

I really smell bad
somedays its just like this
ten bucks and two weeks to go
thank god for the soup kitchen
and coffee at work

11:06 a.m. - 2011-06-06


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