orgami's Diaryland Diary


wishs dishs

long time ago (okay 1988)
I did dishs with one of my
muses I would wash
and she would rinse and dry
standing so our hips would
bump The fourscent light
over the window would throw
light on us The lace curtian
of the owners house and the
view through the trees to
a moon rising in the cold
leafless forest while snow
covered a dusting on the leaves
of fall they would be playing
music talking in the living
room and we would be happily
doing our end of the meal
(we had already done each other
long ago) and so it went
the afterglow still there
when our soapy sudsy slippery
hands and fingers touched
countered with the fire in our
eyes and the mischevious smiles
being the same height helped
and we would often wrestle
about exhilarating moments

and now she sends me links
to love songs beautiful
folk music from around the world
telling me that nothing is
forgotten and I still
feel her smiles in my heart
to hold when the day grows

12:13 p.m. - 2011-08-20


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