orgami's Diaryland Diary


Mazzy Star

discovered her from Gears of War ads
run for the winter christmas gamer season in August...from start of the long season..cold and hunger filled with that sharpened pang of bitter longliness Estranged from family and freinds..How the path weaves through the fabric of being..taking one from the Now and stretching the curve of light bright
and streaming in the morning..Where all things emerge from the mists of
doubt like a pale horse riderless
and free Listening to Mazzy feeling
that haunted hurt thats settled so
deep..but like a scar I know its a favourite star or a bright planet steady like a beacon
..when hope is slender riding just on fingertips...just a touch to sense the pain...talisman treats gathered..what is garnered and honed with worn worth..the shadows reach farthere tonight reaching into the years never far..never forgotten nor despaired..wear that hurt well..take no risks and take no wear like a new jacket with pockets to a flat stone for skipping on a lake
calm and shinning.. Mazzy fills my voids and takes me down settling like
the snows that will come the winds
that will howl and slake their fill
on the woods and shelter//for the streetlights comfort against the unseen future yet to be born in the dawn of rising light....

6:39 p.m. - 2011-10-31


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