orgami's Diaryland Diary


Edit again..

German prisoners of war I meant to say..the buildings of Bigwin Island still in use today as condos...the rotunda and tea room are spanish style with german style too using poured concrete a marvel in its time....

Maybe from building bunkers..with the old medieval towns..In the fall when we walked about marvelling at where the rich played
and the queen came to stay and Beatles in sixites before it went bankrupt late in that era..whom knows whom else.. a Big round boathouse dance hall on water that fell in from neglect in two thousand and two or one and built in the turn of the century and opened for biz in the twenties had bands and performers play for the people large....Mostly white staff too..interesting..Waitresses could not carry paper..had to memorize orders in mind..all university kids then..I knew a woman from the laundry when I worked at Eugene Kates tourist lodge in eighty five as maintenance hand..Rosemary she worked laundry then to for Eugene and Helen....Glad I was a portion of it all anad walked through the old buildings before the big rebuild for modern assignments...with economy and world pull back it will never be thge
turn of the century or the twenties grand openings...Lost times...who would want to go to that though....blacks not allowed except as performers>>>>

the native that sold the land was Mowhawk Chief Bigwin...they kept him on as novelty act with agreement not to dig up burial grounds...He could sing etc...

their summer hunting grounds from Rama..
what a cool history and times come and gone...less then hundred years faded and gone...

somewhat returned

for a price

12:50 a.m. - 2012-12-29


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