orgami's Diaryland Diary


filling the snow flakes falling

like tattered reciepts of ideals
done before the paper is printed
out..just pretty flat things in
the night swirling down...Beautiful..
the night as still as a thought

startling as the flight of a starling

Been doing reading..reading to find
answers a way when all else is going
for a slide...finding out that the only
reasons for silence is there is really
nothing to say anyway....."Let him find
out on his own"

walked all the way over town...first
rain on the dog walks...How they love
it..then later snowflakes...I love
snowflakes...Like I love rain..the
Random Theory of this...Bayes Theorem
.Lord Rayleighs sceince...

the implausible and plausible thought
that God is out there like if I had
a shortwave Mic...Hey God...CQ..
Im hitting my rough spots like normal..
but Hows the weather!!

we got snow falling gentle
down past the new LED I
loathed those sodium flares..all fuzzy
and ill looking..these are artistic
and HIGH DEF....and save money..they
are up all over..

Just the main highway and we pass under
the dark swoop of the arch...and above
the small grove of trees in the highway
right of way like a pathstrewn yard of
hostage ghosts it comes on ..the light
on a pole...I took a sepia of it the
other day and it came out great..There
are no people in my photos..just one of
the dogs and the photo is from their
height and the dog is almost out of
the picture but the composition is good..

What is there to say to a fifty year
old poet who is crazy and drinks too
much Gin and Whiskey

on too many meds...wanders too much
and talks aloud about birds and wires
full of wind and wavelength theories..
I see the others silenced in their
thoughts giving it a break...sad sitting
there like radios switched off....
but what swarms sweep in archs in their
thoughts...what songs sung inside
like a great echo chamber

and the sky was so beautiful today
and the puddles reflected it all
and I paid for my bike and it works
and didnt cost that much and they
were in a hurry to get it back to
me...forgetting the crank gear nut
caps like missing disc covers on
cars....rebel look now..

even my passport of age and travel
busted ass back took the potholes
and puddles in stride....

although its singing its song now
and its time for sleep

time for more dreams

Filling Facebook with photos and
poems....I will come here and
write more....

11:54 p.m. - 2013-03-12


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