orgami's Diaryland Diary


summer of this

getting there....not as hard as it looks..
coffee and painkillers and the last of the smokes.....till ten days...foodbank sometime today....still awake..been on little rest....trying to catch up all the years i was in lah lah land drinking..going about in the vortex ...

got three beautiful hard to pick movies
from library....havent watched one of them
and little jobs backing up....trying to
let go of other issues at moment..
i watch the sucessful of life struggle
too and everyone....ultimately we are all
human...which is why i always keep one

romance churning away like the river..
all the water under the bridge
been wet for dog..a special breed...but the dog is
of those things....

no reports back from my echos...just
the ordinary run then...people come
and people can go....

reading my few other diarys here..i remember when i wore just my headphones
because....the batteries wore out on
the cd and i was blowing money on booze..
and then wanted to get out of house...
only way i felt comfortable was to blend
in like all the rest...ten years ago..
things were a little more busier then
now....did that forever....and purposely
left the end hanging down....waited for
someone to catch on and work the deal on
approaching me about it..they laughed
they got it right away and thus got my
humor odd as it im just digging
in with confidence and time to deal with
things kind of look on my face...spent
twelve years getting to know as many
as i want too now...happy enough taking
notes on the consistantly unhappy and
miserable....which are basic bullies in just one of those things..
but im getting dug in...nmore confidence fifty i can take some risks
now....maybe..ha ha..looks around careful
headphones on but no music video on..

ah life....must get to bed...dreams are the best in this zonked out state...

will get back to poetry one day too..
i miss writing it....

3:57 a.m. - 2014-06-18


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