orgami's Diaryland Diary


a u g u s t a s

gusts in the dust
raising dirt devils
whirling air

i found the visions
delightful but they died
fell away in the rains
that swept in like a darkness
the chill on the flesh
raising goosebumps
and drawing back the plains
of sunshine

like life
the warmth comes and goes
the darkness
the moonscapes
the cloudcover
we walk
without the shadows
leaning from us
as the hours burn away

the more alone i walk
with the hopes evaporating
quick and the hunger
arriving like a friend

stirred and restless
my freedom is so much
a value more then
the frivolity and folly
of others whom i gave
my heart too..

they never took it
they never wanted it
so i still have it..
like a folded dollar
in your pocket when
you think you havent
a dime left..

coffee and notes
and a camera
a pack of cigarettes
and a new horizone
a new rainfall
a new autumn
to arrive that i might
enjoy my time
and in doing so
a smile might arrive
that is honest and
true that i will
accept then the
games that seem to
good to be true
and always are...

4:20 a.m. - 2014-08-03


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