orgami's Diaryland Diary


when all else fails..Dress well!!

dug out my good rock style
jeans..patched hole in crotch
others have holes in ass..
very in style
Mine are from working in them
riding courier bike all over
Its very ironic to me!

work was good....girls and I
getting along...I should never
try to figure out women..
I should be working on a car
or splitting firewood or taking
to dudes about how we got women
under control....
but too me I did that years ago
in my early twenties.
all or a lot of those guys live
alone or with their moms again
and Im not laughing at that..
thats how far I am and serious
Oh not to say I cannot have fun
or mirth has left me..No
I see the sarcasm I have is just
a cover for the sadness of
realization of the humanity in
all of us and our plans..
So I dont have the hang out with
the dudes happening..
I live with my women here
and figure them out...past..history
delving..delving..all the hints
Women put it before you a lot of them
and men just dont see it..Or they do
and just take advantage of what they
can try too....Im certian the women
are pretty sharp here and just shove
you out the door when time is up
and replace you with the new look
the new desire.
its not a magicians secret women
Although....they do often wear rabbit
ears here and there...
Puzzles and riddles I love
I found when I figure out their riddle
its like a key in a lock
Been like this...They the
ones...grab the key twist it and just
come grooving world
I just know like locartes law
for every thing they take
they leave something
so if life was the last room
such eventful amazing creatures
how I love them
feeling depressed but
i just push myself out door
and too mall
dressed like the best
in style fashion for a man
of what i am ..primitive
aviator shades of Ode de la Cali..California
hair all over but with conditioner this
time...great high lights..
i have great hair!

the three day old beard and goatee
shirt open to my chest showing off
no muscles just a snazzy bone cross
prowling walk...this has to be
mastered very well and much
and you have to believe in your prowl
like its all yours and you dont want
it ...maybe...
you have to leave...but you want to
come back kind of walk..

confidence...stand tall...lean on
one leg far...its the angles..
people stand like candles on a birthday
cake in crowd shots

haters want to run it all...steal it all..
take it all..but they are never happy
and cant handle it when they get it anyway
if I act like its all mine and Im bored
oh here you go have it anyway..
they get much confused

anyway...instead of getting all shakey
and nervous and hiding out and never
coming out of the house for days and days
like I used too
I just try something new

When Jesus returns he will be quiet like a ninja...with his conquerering ways He wont be alone....

would I see and recognize him at the mall...
would everyone be more excited to see a rock star? gotta keep humble too...

I keep dropping my head..
taking my sunglassses off putting them
on my head..still hold doors and smile
a bit...a sad smile like Ive seen a lot
which I have...
but I want it to be a Winning Sad..
not a Loser Lost it all Sad..
I did that for years..
It felt very badly and hurt my soul...

2:37 a.m. - 2015-03-29


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