orgami's Diaryland Diary


Mundae avril sixth nin twenti uno p.m.

cold and windy but beautiful...
everyone out..
Mall was eventful..busy
walked my stalk prowl crawl walk
all my chain rings on today
and stainless..Common Law ring
Princesses name written in ink
till I can afford the real ink

three chain rings now...
hardware increase
The F off button
with u c k taped over
red pin badge..people get it.
some smile..

faux bomber still holdingup
the green military underneath
like how it fits and feels
all the pockets for things

the packsack wrapped to
Sweet Maria at the roadsign
outside wallmart..locked it
all up and sauntered in
to buy my babes food from
the list...she was bang on
no few dollars more
nor less...

Home..dinner and I went
out on trail..Found a walking stick
we love the little trips about localy
Now with her muzzle on we are okay..
her new stylish strong collar
everything working...

we are both tired still from the long
walk up and about the big hill..
it was great!

Girls and I getting along well..
Princess working on something
creative..digging through her
clothes for the new spring
wardrobe...her beau at home

Maybe Worky work morrow and a run
downtown to the offices..which
I dont mind....some beauties
some muses..

The mall was incredible
eyes..forms..people.the flow
the show!!!!!!

9:21 p.m. - 2015-04-06


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